Return Policy

Refund & Return Policy

Last Updated: 01/09/2023

  1. Returns and Refunds:

At Elix-Air, we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase of our products. If you are not entirely happy with your purchase, we offer a straightforward return and refund policy to ensure your peace of mind.

  1. Eligibility for Returns:

You may request a return and refund under the following conditions:

Damaged or Defective Items: If you receive a damaged or defective product, please contact our customer support team within 7 days of receiving the item to request a return or exchange.

Unopened and Unused Items: For unopened and unused items, you may return them within 30 days of the purchase date. The product must be in its original packaging, with all tags, seals, and labels intact.

  1. Non-Eligible Items for Returns:

The following items are not eligible for returns:

Items that have been used or opened unless they are damaged or defective.

  1. Return Process:

To initiate a return, please follow these steps:

Contact our customer support team at or 0161 532 2107 to inform us of your intention to return the item. Pack the item securely in its original packaging, along with any accessories, manuals, and documentation that came with it. Ship the item to the address provided by our customer support team. You are responsible for the return shipping costs unless the item is damaged or defective.

  1. Refund Processing:

Once we receive the returned item and inspect it, we will process your refund within 10 business days. Refunds will be issued in the same payment method used for the original purchase. Please note that it may take some time for the refund to reflect in your account, depending on your bank or payment provider.

The Couture Club Shop front
The Couture Club


Interior of Deansgate Square Appartments
Deansgate Square


The Kimpton Clock Tower


The Hilton Hotel Deansgate
